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2024 SDEA Election Statements

ATTENTION WESTERN MEMBERS: while you will receive a ballot, please do not return it. There is no longer a contested election. Here are the SDEA Board of Directors and NEA RA delegate statements for the 2024 SDEA Election.
SDEA Election statements
Published: February 2024

All of the SDEA Board of Directors and NEA RA delegate races are uncontested except for two Board of Directors races, one in the SEE unit and one in the Western unit. The SDEA Board of Directors voted at its February 2024 meeting to send ballots to only the SEE and Western units and only for the respective contested races. This means all other units and races will not receive ballots and the candidates of the uncontested races are automatically declared winners. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact SDEA President Loren Paul, [email protected], Elections Committee Chair, Tess Canet, [email protected], or Elections Committee Liaison Anne Plooster, [email protected].

2024 SDEA Election Statements

Board of Directors

Eastern Prairie 2-year

Tim Eckart

I am Co-Chair of the Eastern Prairie Unit and would like to continue that service and representation for the members of the Eastern Prairie Unit as a member of the SDEA Board of Directors.

EGL 2-year

Olivia Forman

I would love the opportunity to represent the EGL unit on the SDEA board of directors once again. The work SDEA does to advocate for educators is more important than ever, and it would be a privilege to continue to help move the association forward! I would appreciate your vote!

Western 2-year

Jennfier Macziewski

My passion is working alongside SDEA to enhance and enrich the education profession in South Dakota. I currently enjoy serving as a representative for Western on the SDEA Board of Directors. I will continue advocating for educators and students if re-elected.

Western 1-year

ATTENTION WESTERN MEMBERS:  while you will receive a ballot, please do not return it.  There is no longer a contested election.

Deborah Rohlfs

I teach upper-level science at Hot Springs HS. My education journey centers on the Western Unit, graduating from Belle Fourche HS to college at SD Mines. Utilizing leadership skills from the NEA MLT/WLT Conference, I vow to continue to be a steadfast advocate for educators in the Western Unit!

Robert Dahlenburg

I served at the NEA Assembly as the RCEA delegate in 2023. I found many opportunities to share not only my voice, but more importantly, the voice of my peers. It is my hope that I will be the one to lift those voices up for all in the future.

Qiang Ai

As 1st-year educator and former NEA Delegate, I enthusiastically seek the role of Western Board Director. Committed to positive change in education, my unique blend of experience and passion aims to advance education and advocate for SD educators. Let's unite for a flourishing educational community, and shape a successful future.

Plains 2-year

Kim Doherty

My name is Kim Doherty, I teach at Stanley County in Fort Pierre. I am currently a Plains Board member. I would be honored to again be your voice for the Plains UniServ as we move our association forward and strengthen our collective voice for important matters in education. 

SEE 1-year

Amanda Sonne

As an educator with over 25 years of teaching experience, my priority is ensuring all students are seen, valued, and served as unique learners.  As your SDEA SEE BOD member, I will pledge to keep the SDEA mission and vision in the forefront as I do the organization’s work.

SEE 2-year

Kerry Evans

As a member for more than 20 years in the Yankton School District, I want to play a more active role in my local and my unit. Serving on the Board of Directors is an opportunity to shape the future of education here in South Dakota.

Cassondra Ford

I have enjoyed serving on the SDEA board this past year as an Eastern Prairie board member. My local is joining the Southeast Educators unit this coming year and I would like to continue to make a difference in this unit by helping where I can.

COHE At-Large 1-year

Alan Aldrich

I am running to represent COHE on the SDEA Board. I served 9 years as the USD COHE president and 1 year as the Statewide COHE president in addition to two terms on the SDEA Board of Directors. I bring a background in both communication and argumentation to the table.

ESP Member At-Large 1-year

Lisa Jennings

Education Support Professionals are a vital part of our schools and to represent all of the wonderful ESP across the state would be an honor and privilege. Let me put my years of experience in education to work for you.

NEA/RA Delegate

Eastern Prairie NEA/RA Delegate

Lisa Jennings

I believe in the mission of SDEA/NEA and would like to be your voice at the NEA RA. I have the knowledge and experience to represent all educators at the national level. It would be an honor to serve in this capacity for the students and educators of South Dakota.

Tim Eckart

I am the local president for the Sioux Fall Education Association, and I hope to have the opportunity to represent the Eastern Prairie Unit and South Dakota at the NEA RA in order to bring important information back to our state.

Plains NEA/RA Delegate

Jeremy Schultz

I’m running to serve and represent you at the 2024 NEA Representative Assembly. I believe in fighting for what you believe and speaking up for those who cannot. Your perspective on issues regarding our public schools is of utmost importance to me, and I humbly request your vote and support.

EGL NEA/RA Delegate

Olivia Forman

I have been an active SDEA member for 5 years. During this time, I have been involved at both the state and local level. I was able to attend my first NEA RA as a delegate last year, and would be honored to represent South Dakota educators again!

Western NEA/RA Delegate

Robert Dahlenburg

I served at the NEA Assembly as the RCEA delegate in 2023. I found many opportunities to share not only my voice, but more importantly, the voice of my peers. It is my hope that I will be the one to lift those voices up for all in the future.

Minority NEA/RA Delegate At-Large

Qiang Ai

As enthusiastic first-year educator, I am thrilled to announce my running for NEA RA Delegate. With aspirations to serve as an Education Conference Delegate, my goal is to amplify the diverse voices within our community and advocate for meaningful change in both South Dakota and the broader U.S. education landscape. 

NEA/RA Delegate At-Large

Bobbie Knispel

I have been a High School Special Education Teacher for 11 years. I am results oriented, highly organized and passionate to support "all educators" in be successfulness. All educators' voices need to be heard. I hope that you allow me to be your voice at the NEA-RA.

Virginia Colgan

As a delegate, I will continue working with educators from around the country to draft language for NEA resolutions. These belief statements guide funding for all activities of the NEA and promote public education and professional excellence. 

Kim Soldatke

I am very passionate about kids, quality public education and the role of our association in it. I have represented South Dakota at the NEA-RA in the past, and it would be an honor to represent SDEA members in that capacity again.

Virgil Whetsel

Since becoming an educator later in life, it has become apparent to me that organization is vital if education is to be protected from control by entities who do not have the best interests of students at heart. I would be honored to serve as your voice in the NEA.

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SDEA provides high-quality professional learning to improve your professional practice, support student success and excellence, and build community with other members across South Dakota.
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